Wheaton professor speaks on campus tomorrow night

The university community is invited to a special guest lecture, “The Gardeners’ Dirty Hands: Environmental Politics & Christian Ethics,” tomorrow (Thursday) at 7 p.m. in Canyon Commons.

Presenting will be Noah Toly, professor of urban studies and politics & international relations at Wheaton College, where he directs the Center for Urban Engagement. In his lecture, Toly will offer an interpretation of environmental governance that draws upon insights into the tragic – the need to forego, give up, undermine, or destroy one or more goods in order to possess or secure one or more other goods.

Toly will engage Christian and classical Greek ideas of the tragic to illuminate the enduring challenges of environmental politics. He’ll suggest that Christians have unique resources for responsible engagement with global environmental politics while acknowledging the need for mutually agreed, and ultimately normative, restraints.

Toly is being hosted by the William Penn Honors Program. To learn more about his visit, visit this link.

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