About Our People

Rick Muthiah (Academic Resource Center) presented a session, “Serving Students With Disabilities: Legal Obligations, Moral Imperatives, And Diversity Opportunities,” at the Association of Christians in Student Development conference at Messiah College in June. The session provided an overview of our legal and moral obligations to provide services to students with disabilities; considered students with disabilities within the framework of diversity; and discussed practical steps to provide accessible environments for students with disabilities.

Ed Higgins’ (English) poem, “Epistemology,” was selected to be part of the Vietnamese Children’s Art Exhibit, titled “Speak Peace – American Voices Respond to Vietnamese Children’s Paintings.” The exhibit opens in Ohio in September and will tour nationally for three years. It will feature American voices ranging from children as young as second grade to established adult poets.

Kandie Comfort (IT) and Mandria Montplasir (Advancement) were named the July and August employees of the month, respectively.

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