About Our People

Joel Perez (Student Life) presented some of his doctoral findings at the Association of Christians in Student Development conference at Messiah College in June. The workshop title was “Why Diversity at a Christian College?”

Sue Newell (Social Work) accepted a position on the board of directors for All God’s Children International, an adoptions and women and child development organization, and attended the group’s board meeting in Chicago in June.

John Gorlorwulu (School of Business) was selected for a one-year appointment as an economic advisor for Africa with USAID, a government agency that provides economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide. He will be taking a leave of absence this academic year to serve in that post.

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) spent the summer as a visiting professor at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in Germany. Up to the end of August, Paul will do research and teach three seminars at Mainz University. He recently took part in the international summer school, “The Historical Jesus – A ‘Fourth Quest’ for Jesus?” at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at JGU Aug. 2-5. In addition to teaching at Mainz University, Anderson has been lecturing at universities in the area, including Nijmegen, Marburg and Münster. Also, his reflections on his dialogue with Marcus Borg at Reedwood Friends Church in May, “A Fourth Quest For Jesus … So What, and How So?,” were posted on the Bible and Interpretation website. In addition, his essay “An Apology for Authentic Spirituality” was published in the latest issue of Quaker Religious Thought.

Ed Higgins (English) published a flash-fiction piece, “Texas Hold ’em,” in the July 2010 issue of the e-zine Short, Fast, and Deadly.

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