About Our People

Rodger Bufford (Graduate Psychology) made two presentations in May at the sixth annual Clinical Forum on Mental Health: Turning Knowledge into Practice, held in Bismarck, N.D. Rodger presented “Oh God: Addressing Spiritual/Religious Concerns in Psychotherapy,” a six-hour invited workshop, and “Oh No: Risk Management – Understanding and Using Legal and Ethical Guidelines to Diminish Risk of Adverse Outcomes,” a one-and-a-half-hour invited workshop.

Bill Buhrow (Health and Counseling) attended in April the Christian Association of Psychological Studies International Conference in Kansas City, Mo., where he was elected chair of the International Board of Directors for 2010-11. He also presented a breakout session, “Integrating Client Spirituality in the Treatment of Sex Abuse,” with the assistance of Kristina Kays (Psychology). He also delivered three poster presentations in collaboration with Rodger Bufford (PsyD) and seven PsyD students on the topics “Preliminary Validation of a Measure of Generosity,” “Initial Validation of the Spiritual Thoughts and Behaviors Scale” and “The Relationship Between Alcohol Use and Sexual Activity on Faith-Based Campuses.” Bill also attended the American College Health Association annual meeting in Philadelphia in June and presented a breakout session entitled “Sexual Assault: Therapeutic Considerations When Body and Beliefs Come Under Attack.”

Trini Marquez (Plant Services) traveled to Rome in April to hand-deliver a petition to the Vatican that appealed to keep San Martin de Porres, a Catholic mission in Dayton, open. The mission faced closure when the pastor of the mission’s parent church in McMinnville announced he would close the mission this fall to save money. The mission received a reprieve when the archbishop of Portland told members he would look into establishing San Martin as a full-fledged parish.

A ghazal (a Persian poetic form) written by Ed Higgins (English), titled “The Surge of Green,” was published in Little PinkShack, a quarterly online literary journal out of Los Angeles. In addition, Ed’s poem “Farming, A Handbook (for Wendell Berry)” was published in June on LITSNACK, an online literary publication.

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