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Jennie Harrop (Adult Degree Program) published a book, The Jesus Quotient: IQ to EQ to AQ (Wipf & Stock) in July. In it, she addresses the idea that, as leaders, our capacity to hear is often muddied by an inability to acknowledge our own insufficiencies and emotions. She observes how Jesus knew his God-given purpose and emotional character so deeply that he was able to operate out of these foundations boldly and instinctively. Jesus’s infallible Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) allowed him to focus on a third concept called “Audience Quotient” (AQ): an individual’s ability to focus consistently, completely, and effectively on others. The book argues that, if the church is to earn a voice in this culture, it cannot be about the components of church at all, but instead must be about the individual souls within the church – pastors included. The better we ground ourselves in the truth of who we were created to be (IQ, EQ, and AQ), the better able we will be to love God fully and love those around us as we love ourselves.

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