About Our People

Martha Iancu (Communication Arts/English Language Institute) attended the 44th Annual TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Convention in Boston March 24-27. Her two presentations were “Collectivism Meets Individualism: Techniques for a Linked Intercultural Communication Class” and “Novel-Reading Techniques for High Beginners” (a poster session). Martha commends Elizabeth Holme of Print Services for her assistance in the technical aspects of producing the poster, which may be viewed at the entrance to the conference room in Lemmons 9.

Dave Johnstone (Student Life) wrote a review of Miroslav Volf’s The End of Memory: Remembering Rightly in a Violent World (2006), published in the Spring 2010 Journal of Education & Christian Belief. He also wrote an article, “The Gap in the Curtain: Seeing Pieces of a Residential Community’s Future,” that was published in the Winter 2010 issue of Koinonia.

Amy Dee (School of Education) and Mark McMinn were honored as the university’s 2009-10 teaching award recipients at the graduate level. Amy won the Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate Teaching, while Mark was recipient of the Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate Research and Scholarship.

Darryl Brown (Marketing Communication) was named the 2009-10 Administrative Staff Employee of the Year at the university’s employee recognition event in May. Also honored was Brenda Graf (MAT), named the Support Staff Employee of the Year.

Four of Ed Higgins’ (English) anti-war haiku, titled “Smelling of Death,” are part of the March 5-7, 2010 Search For Peace Art Exhibit sponsored by Portland’s St. Andrew Community Center and St. Pius X Parish. In addition, a story Ed wrote, titled “Five,” was published in the online German literary journal Blue Print Review. The publication’s special flash fiction issue featured stories under a 1,000 words. Ed’s micro story is about 180 words and grew out of an exercise on flash fiction in his Writing Fiction course last semester.

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