Haigh presents on ethical implications of consumer behavior June 11

The ethical implications of consumer behavior will be the topic of a School of Business speaker series event Friday, June 11, at The Grand Hotel at Bridgeport, located off Interstate-5 at the Durham Exit in Tualatin.

Justine Haigh, an associate professor of marketing at George Fox, will present “Beyond corporate social responsibility: What about the consumer?” The session will run from 7 to 9 a.m. and include a continental breakfast at a cost of $20 per person. Registration information is available on the School of Business website. Attendees are asked to R.S.V.P. by Friday, June 4.

Following is Haigh’s synopsis of the event: “We seem to enjoy finger pointing, blogging, and tweeting about unruly organizations and their failure to adhere to the law, ethical standards, and/or international norms. Caught up in these debates, however, we seldom reflect on our own consumption patterns. We will explore ethical principles of global consumers, but more importantly, local Portlanders’ perspectives will be considered in an attempt to gauge our commitment to the social good.”

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