Students share their perspectives at Faculty Teaching Forum Thursday

What do students value and desire for their college instruction? What are students’ views of educational technology, type and amount of homework, grading, and other class-related topics? A panel of undergraduate students will share their perspectives on these questions at the final Faculty Teaching Forum of the spring semester.

Join the session “Student Voices on Teaching and Learning” from noon to 1:20 p.m. Thursday, April 15, in Cap and Gown Room A. Students scheduled to participate include Heather Clifton (non-traditional first-year elementary education major), Bret Reordan (first-year chemistry major) Caroline Aust (sophomore elementary education major), Alex Gamez (junior psychology major), Vanessa Wilkins (junior cinema and media communication major) and Timothy Fouch (senior nursing major).

To reserve a lunch, e-mail Jere Witherspoon ( by 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 13. Everyone is welcome to attend the session, whether bringing a lunch or reserving a lunch.

All faculty — full time, part time, and adjunct — are invited to attend Faculty Teaching Forums (FTFs). Video podcasts of FTFs will be available on iTunesU.

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