About Our People

Rhett Luedtke (Performing Arts) was one of just eight faculty members chosen nationally to receive a National Directing Fellow Award from the John F. Kennedy Center. In April he will travel to Washington, D.C., for the National Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, where he will work in master classes in directing with directors from around the country.

Carole Spencer (Seminary) presented “Mysticism in the Quaker Tradition” at William Penn University in Oskaloosa, Iowa, on March 22. She was the university’s first distinguished guest lecturer for the Beane Endowment lecture series, sponsored by the Ercil and Maxine Beane Endowment.

Ginny Birky (School of Education) presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational Leadership conference in Phoenix on March 12. The title of her presentation was “Models of Successful High School Reform: Implications for Practitioners in Secondary Education and Professors of Educational Leadership.”

Melanie Mock’s (English) essay, “On Sons, At Four,” was published recently in the anthology A Cup of Comfort for Mothers. She also was the plenary speaker at the spring 2010 meeting of the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society, at which she presented “Writing against ‘The Old Lie’: Mennonite Objectors and the Great War.”

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) has been appointed the New Testament editor of the Biblical Interpretation Series, a monograph series featuring cutting-edge interdisciplinary approaches to biblical studies, published by E.J. Brill of Leiden, Netherlands. Paul also delivered four lectures on “The Beast, the Antichrist, and 666” at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland in February and March, and he represented Evangelical Friends at the National Council of Churches of Christ Faith and Order meetings in New York March 18-20, discussing the nature and mission of the church.

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