‘Pie-a-Prof’ fundraiser continues through tomorrow

Want to support a missions trip to Nicaragua? Want to see a professor get “pied?” Come to the Bruin Den today and tomorrow (Thursday and Friday) between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Drop money into the jar with the name of the professor you want to see “pied.”

The top four jars with the most money in them will be “pied” on Tuesday, March 13, right after chapel! The participating professors are Kelly Chang, Sue O’Donnell, Chris Koch, Kris Kays, David Martínez, Steve Sherwood, Matthew Stump, Katie Mastropaolo, Abigail Favale, Javier Garcia, Melissa Ramos, Todd Curtis and Matt Dyment.

Don’t have cash on hand? You can donate online at this link. After you do, email Kelly Chang (kchang@georgefox.edu) and let her know how much you donated and which professor you would like the donation to go to.

Finally, there will be a raffle for who gets to be the “pie-ers” at the event. We’ll be selling tickets for $1 each at the Bruin Den this Monday, March 12.

Contact Julia Toews (jtoews17@georgefox.edu) for more information.

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