Survey: Food Insecurity Affecting College Students

When people think of a typical college student, they think “sleep-deprived,” “overworked” and “stretched thin.” The old stereotype of college students surviving on minute-ramen noodles and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches can, however, be a real problem in college.

College hunger is a nationwide problem that affects about 20 percent of college students. Some students are struggling to have enough money for food even with jobs on campus. Research also shows that college student hunger can impact students from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

The student life department, in conjunction with Bon Appetit and other departments on campus, would like to understand the food needs of students at George Fox.

Please help us in determining the level of need by completing this short, confidential and anonymous survey. Note that there are also a couple local resources that are listed at the end of this survey.

Food Survey

If you would like to speak to someone about this survey, please contact Jere Witherspoon in the Office of Student Life ( or 503-554-2316).

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