Faculty member authors university’s first open textbook

Professor Jennie Harrop’s book, The Simple Math of Writing Well: Writing for the 21st Century, is now available as a free download in the library’s Digital Commons. It also appears in the Open Textbook Library, a peer-reviewed collection of free textbooks used by hundreds of universities.

The university’s Open Textbook Initiative was launched in the 2016-17 academic year to provide incentives for faculty to explore open textbooks. George Fox faculty saved students more than $118,000 by replacing needlessly expensive textbooks with open ones. Savings from last semester are already more than last year’s total.

Textbook publishers are hiking prices at unprecedented rates, so many faculty authors are now bypassing them altogether and publishing their textbooks straight to the web. Two more George Fox faculty are currently writing open textbooks, which will not only save their students money but also extend the impact of George Fox scholarship around the world.

Want to learn more? Contact Robin Ashford at rashford@georgefox.edu.

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