Security Services: A Few Parking Reminders

As security officers patrol around campus, they are seeing some “creative” parking. This is just a reminder that if you are parking on a street, your car must be facing in the same direction as the lane of traffic next to you (i.e., your right tires must be within 12 inches of the right curb when parallel parking on a two-lane road, as per ORS 811.570).

And, when in a George Fox parking area, there must be a striped line on either side of your vehicle. There is no parking against building sides, walls, creating a new space, etc. Did you know that Newberg police can also fine you $110 for parking the wrong way on a city street or in a yellow curb fire zone, and $435 for parking in a handicapped spot (including the hash-marked areas) without a valid state-issued handicapped permit?

Questions? Please check the parking regulations here, or call Security Services at 503-554-2090 during office hours.

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