Important Vehicle Registration/Parking Information

Students: If you brought a car to campus and have yet to register it, bring the DMV registration slip immediately to the security office to register your vehicle and avoid a $65 ticket for non-registration.

If you have a Morse or Austin permit, you need to move your vehicle to those lots today to avoid being ticketed. Commuters, you can park only on the campus side of Meridian Street between Sherman and North Street. Many of you are parking all along Meridian Street and are receiving tickets. Please save your money and use the 99W lot that is only two blocks from the quad!

If you don’t understand where your permit allows you to park, please come to the security office so we can show you on the parking map.

Employees: If you are still using an orange adjunct parking permit, those expired Dec. 31, 2016, and you need to come to the security office for an updated staff permit. If you are still using a white staff permit, those expired in 2015, and you need to register your vehicle on MyGFU in order to be issued a current staff permit.

Questions? Contact Nadine Kincaid at

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