In the Family

marshall-magill.jpgFrom Michael Magill (Engineering):
“We deeply appreciate all of you who continue to pray for our son Marshall. As most of you know, this past February Marshall was diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Since that time he has been on chemotherapy and will be until mid-February.  We are half-way there! Marshall is doing very well physically, although he has occasional bouts with discouragement during his chemo weeks … and the chemo took care of that mop of blonde hair. He has all his weight back and is living the life of a 12-year-old boy again. He was able return to school last spring and did very well. He loves to run and he’s been able to return to it. He runs two to three miles a day, several times a week. He rides his bike and delivers newspapers. We have so much to be thankful for!  God has been gracious in the midst of a difficult trial. Our hope is in Him. Please continue to pray for Marshall; he still has a long six months ahead. Again, thanks for your prayers and compassion.”

Editor’s note: To submit your prayer requests, visit

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