Yune Tran presents Fall Faculty Lecture Tuesday in Hoover 105

The university community is invited to the 2016 Fall Faculty Lecture, “Exploring Intersections of Teachers’ Lives: Race, Religion & Identity,” featuring Yune Tran, PhD, associate professor of education and recipient of the 2015-16 Undergraduate Faculty Achievement Award for Research and Scholarship.

Join us this Tuesday, Oct. 18, for the presentation. The lecture runs from 6 to 7 p.m. in Hoover 105. Tran will discuss research that investigated the identities of preservice teachers based on Helm’s White racial identity development model. Employing a mixed-method design, findings include a sample of 33 preservice teachers with eight narratives that shed light on the role that race and religion play in teachers’ development when addressing attitudes and believes about cultural and linguistically diverse students.

Prior to the lecture that evening, the 2016 Fall Richter Student Scholars Symposium is scheduled from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Hoover lobby. Student scholars from George Fox graduate and undergraduate programs will present their research in a conversational poster format. Refreshments will be served in both the symposium and lecture.

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