About Our People

Paul Otto (History) presented “Henry Hudson, the Munsees, and the Wampum Revolution” at a conference, “Henry Hudson, New Netherland, & Atlantic History,” at State University of New York at New Paltz on Sept. 25. He also published “Intercultural Relations between Natives and Europeans in New Netherland” in Four Centuries of Dutch-American Relations, 1609-2009 (Albany: SUNY Press, 2009). Finally, Paul also published museum exhibition catalog entries on Wampum and Munsee Indians in Dutch New York Between East and West: The World of Margrieta van Varick (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009).

Jim Steele (School of Business) led a concurrent session titled “Tipping the Career Ladder: Is Up the Only Way?” at the Northwest Human Resource Management Association conference at the Portland Convention Center on Sept. 30. The workshop was part of a special track for HR professionals in transition. The conference was attended by about 600 HR professionals from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska.

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