Wheaton professor speaks on Newberg campus tomorrow night

Don’t forget to join us tomorrow night (Thursday) when Matthew J. Milliner, an assistant professor of art history at Wheaton College and a member of the Curatorial Advisory Board of the United States Senate, presents a free lecture on the Newberg campus titled “Toward 2017: Visualizing Christian Unity” at 7:30 p.m. in Hoover 105.

Milliner teaches across the range of art history, and his scholarly specialization is Byzantine and medieval art, with a focus on how such images inform contemporary visual culture. He has a PhD in art history from Princeton University and an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary.

Milliner’s talk is the first lecture in the annual William Penn Honors Program Lecture Series. A reception for those interested in learning more about the William Penn Honors Program will immediately follow. Please direct any questions to Jane Sweet at 503-554-2152 or jsweet@georgefox.edu.

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