Faculty Teaching Forum explores how technologies influence learning

A Faculty Teaching Forum, “Technology and Learning: Digital Immigrants Teaching Digital Natives,” will be presented by Clella Jaffe (Communication Arts) from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, April 2, in Hoover 104 (Hoover-Hatfield Library). Note: This is a change from the original April 1 date.

Synopsis: Communication scholars argue that every new advancement in communication technology brings changes in consciousness. Today’s students inhabit a high-tech culture full of communication and information technologies that operate at “twitch-speed” rates; Marc Prensky calls them “digital natives.”

In contrast, most professors were raised in a “print” culture; they are “digital immigrants.” Prensky argues, “Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.” This session explores ways that emerging technologies influence contemporary students’ patterns of thinking and learning.

To reserve a lunch, e-mail Jere Witherspoon (jwithers@georgefox.edu) by 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 1. Everyone is welcome to attend the session, whether bringing a lunch or reserving a lunch. Please have your lunch ready so we can begin the conversation at noon.

All faculty — full time, part time and adjunct — are invited to attend Faculty Teaching Forums (FTFs). Video podcasts of FTFs will be available at the “Events and Resources” link on the Center for Teaching and Learning website.

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