Bon Appetit continuing peanut butter ban until further notice

As an update to the FDA’s peanut butter recall, the list of suspected products contaminated with salmonella has increased to now include several retail snack and ice cream items. Brands affected include Little Debbie, Perry’s Ice Cream and several items produced by Kelloggs. Nationally branded grocery store jars of peanut butter have not been included in the recall.

There is currently a great deal of concern about products containing peanut butter because the salmonella bacteria has been found in products produced by the Peanut Corporation of America plant in Blakely, Ga. Those products were, in turn, shipped to other food manufacturers and were used in the production of a wide variety of candies, crackers, cookies and other items.

To ensure the safety of the items we purchase and make from scratch, Bon Appetit is continuing its ban of all peanut butter and related products.

At this point, it’s impossible to predict how long this ban will go on. We will keep everyone informed as we receive daily updates from the FDA and our distributors.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Additional information can be found on the FDA website.

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