Reminder: Transportation policy information

This is a reminder regarding the university’s driving/transportation policy. Our priority is to have policies in place that help ensure the safety and health of all members of our community, and transportation is an important component of this.

Please take a few minutes to review the policy on this page.

There are two separate transportation policies:

1. Policy and Procedures Regarding University Vehicles

2. Policy and Procedures for Driving Personal Vehicles on University Business

You must be approved under each category to drive either a university vehicle or a personal vehicle on university business.

Step 1 – Read the policy

Step 2 – Watch the information videos on FoxTale. Use your GFU login and look for the link on the left side of the navigation bar. Enroll in the University Transportation Policy and Certification site using this enrollment key: PreparedDriver.

Step 3 – Take the quizzes that are also located in FoxTale. Use your GFU login and look for the link on the left side of the navigation bar. Enroll in the University Transportation Policy and Certification site using this enrollment key: PreparedDriver.

Important to note: Please allow a minimum of five days after passing the quiz before your expected use of a university vehicle. If you have not gone through the proper steps to complete the quiz, you will not be allowed to drive a university vehicle.

This policy applies to all employees and students.

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