Seminary event discusses humanity of Christ

You are invited to join us for our seminary’s Ministry in Contemporary Culture event on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room 155 at the Portland Center. We will explore how the humanity of Jesus Christ impacts how we undertake ministry in the Pacific Northwest.

We are honored to have Northern Seminary professor and respected theologian Cherith Fee Nordling, daughter of theologian Gordon Fee, as our plenary speaker in the morning. The afternoon will feature workshops led by local church, ministry and nonprofit leaders.

For this day-long event, we are partnering with Missio Alliance, a national network of churches, denominations and schools committed to equipping one another for more faithful participation in God’s mission. Missio Alliance represents some of the most leading-edge pastors, practitioners and theologians in the church today.

Three questions and three reasons to participate:

  1. Why does the Humanity of God’s Son matter every day? Cherith will provoke us to think more deeply about Jesus’ humanity and its implications for mission.
  2. What is God doing in our neighborhoods? In the workshops we will discover and engage with local Northwest practitioners and men and women from the George Fox Evangelical Seminary community who are effecting change in their ministry contexts.
  3. How can we better connect? Meet and network with other Northwest people, the seminary community and Missio Alliance leaders.

To learn more and sign up, go to this link.

Two discount codes are now active:

  • GFESSTUDENT – takes $20 off
  • GFESFACULTY – takes $30 off

We are also looking for five or six volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Dee Small at

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