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An article co-written by Charles Choi (Communication Arts), “Intergnerational Communication and Age Boundaries in Mongolia and the United States,” will be published in the December 2013 issue of Communication Reports. The article – the second publication from his dissertation – deals with the interactions that young adults have with older adults. The findings indicate a cultural difference in the way older adults are perceived and treated.

Brian Doak’s (Religious Studies) peer-reviewed essay, “The Fate and Power of Heroic Bones and the Politics of Bone Transfer in Ancient Israel and Greece,” was recently published in the major journal Harvard Theological Review. Another of his essays, “Ezekiel’s Topography of the (Un-)Heroic Dead in Ezek. 32:17-32” is forthcoming in the Journal of Biblical Literature. In addition, he recently received a contract to publish a volume on Job, Narratives of Nature and the Self in the Book of Job, with Fortress Press.

Two of Ed Higgins’ (English) poems, “Take, for instance, the surprise” and “love’s burden,” are in the Sept. 16, 2013, issue of Connotation Press, an online poetry, fiction and drama journal.

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