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Ginny Birky, Amy Dee, Kristin Dixon and Brenda Morton (School of Education) attended and presented papers at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Conference Feb. 28 through March 2 in Orlando, Florida. Amy and Brenda presented “Rethinking the Core Program: Preparing Classroom-Ready Educators for a Multiplicity of Learners;” Kristin presented “The Power of an International Clinical Field Experience;” and Brenda and Ginny presented “Re-envisioning Clinical Practice through Partnerships: How Co-teaching, Co-researching, and Co-educating can Create a Mutually Beneficial Partnership.” Brenda and Ginny also presented “Co-teaching Partnerships with Professional Development: A Unique Model of Clinical Practice for Teacher Education” at the Oregon Association of Teacher Educators gathering on Feb. 25.

Ed Higgins (English) published a poem, “Why I will not get out of bed,” in the February 2013 edition of Central Texas journal Bohemia Art and Literary Magazine.

Melanie Mock (English) published an article, “Making Yourself ‘Fit,’” in the March 13 issue of Inside Higher Ed. It was her second piece featured in the publication in as many months.

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