About Our People

Paul Otto (History) was recently named a Fellow of the Holland Society of New York for his research on New Netherland and the Dutch experience in early America.

Paul Anderson’s (Religious Studies) essay, “Beyond the Shade of the Oak Tree: Recent Growth in Johannine Studies,” was published in the Expository Times 119:8 (2008). He also presented the paper “A Dynamic Christocentricity – The Heart of Friendly Faith and Practice” at the FAHE meetings at Woodbrooke College, England, in June, and “A Theology of Discernment” at the Leadership Institute for Group Discernment at George Fox in May. At the Pacific Northwest AAR/SBL/ASOR meetings at George Fox in May, he delivered the presidential address (“A Bi-Optic Hypothesis – A Theory of Interfluentiality between the Johannine and Markan Gospels”), while also presenting “John, Jesus, and History – A Reception Report” and a review of Watching a Biblical Narrative; Point of View in Biblical Exegesis by Gary Yamasaki.

Merrill Johnson (Library) co-led a session at the Snezek Library Leadership Institute at Abilene Christian University July 18. The title of the presentation was “A discussion of recent LibQual+ experiences and implications for library assessment and service.” The institute is an annual event for CCCU library directors.

Tom Head (Economics) had an article, “Review of The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics by Riane Eisler,” published in the Spring 2008 issue of Faith & Economics.

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