Financial affairs office is live on PeopleSoft

Congratulations to the financial affairs office for successfully making the July 1 “go live” date on the new software. This is a significant milestone, and while there remains a steep learning curve in adjusting to the new system, we commend the financial affairs team on this significant accomplishment.

A few reminders …

  • After July 1, financial transactions for the fiscal year 2009 will need new cost center numbers. Please do not assume your cost center is the same as last year with a zero added. See the financial affairs website for a listing of new numbers.
  • Still wrapping up financial transactions for the 2008 fiscal year? Please use your old cost center number.
  • Continue to use IFAS purchase request and financial reporting after July 1 for fiscal year 2009 until we have the PeopleSoft requisition and reporting features deployed in August.

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