Reminder: ‘Faith, Sexuality and Identity’ conversation is Nov. 7

This is a reminder that all are invited to attend “Faith, Sexuality and Identity – a Conversation,” scheduled from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7, in Hoover 105.

This event, hosted by the Office of Student Life and the Human Sexuality Discussion Group, will be moderated by Phil Smith, chair of the university’s Department of Religious Studies. Panelists will be: Gerry Breshears, pastor and professor at Western Seminary; Darleen Ortega, Oregon Court of Appeals judge; Erica Tan, psychologist and George Fox adjunct faculty member; and Nathan Meckley, pastor at Metropolitan Community Church.

Viewpoints expressed may not reflect the official university stance on LGBTQ issues, which can be found at

Questions? Contact Jere Witherspoon at

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