Forum discusses how educators plan, prepare over summer

What are you planning to do with your summer? Faculty responses to such a query typically range from research to relaxing. Come share your summer plans and hear from others about how they use their summer to further their calling as educators and scholars.

A Faculty Teaching Forum, “Summer Reading, Writing, and Renewal,” is set from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 16, in the Executive Dining Room on the Newberg campus.

Guiding questions will be used to help in planning your summer activities. If you’re interested, read Don’t Waste Your Summer and Finally, Some Time for … in advance of the session.

To reserve a lunch, e-mail Jere Witherspoon (Student Life) at by 1:30 p.m. Monday, April 14. Everyone is welcome to attend the session, whether bringing a lunch or reserving a lunch.

All faculty — full time, part time, and adjunct — are invited to attend Faculty Teaching Forums (FTFs). Video podcasts of FTFs will be available at the “Events and Resources” link on the Center for Teaching and Learning website.

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