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Gary Tandy (English) gave a presentation, titled “Expanding the Writing Conversation: Using Tutor-led Writing Groups at the Writing Center,” at the Northwest Tutoring Center Conference held at Tacoma Community College on Feb. 25. Rick Muthiah (Learning Support Services) and Hannah Adderley (Academic Resource Center consultant) presented a session entitled “Managing the Learning Center: Training, Scheduling, and Tracking usage.”

Ed Higgins’ (English) poem “Feeding Time in Golden Gate Park” was published in the April 1 edition of the online poetry site Poetry Breakfast.

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) presented the Ercil & Maxine Beane Lecture at William Penn University on March 19. Paul spoke on “Primitive Christianity Revived! – The Original Quaker Vision, Then and Now.” He also preached at College Avenue Friends Church on March 18, spoke on “Outlining the Johannine Riddles” and “Addressing the Johannine Riddles” in morning sessions the following day, and presented twice on interpreting Johannine riddles in two gatherings that evening.

Steve Delamarter (Seminary) was featured in an article, “Ancient Texts Saved Forever Thanks to Digitization,” that appeared in a March 23 article posted on Investors.com, a site run by Investor’s Business Daily. The article is available to read at this link.

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