Annual Woolman Peacemaking Forum returns next week

What does it mean to be a true neighbor – one who embraces Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s call to join a “beloved community,” a community of welcoming hospitality that confronts poverty, homelessness and racism? This question will be addressed at the university’s 27th annual John Woolman Peacemaking Forum next week.

Leroy Barber, president of Mission Year, a national urban initiative that introduces 18- to 29-year-olds to missional and communal living in city centers for one year of their lives, will speak twice on Monday, Feb. 27: On “Beloved Community” in chapel at 10:40 a.m., and on “Community Transformation” that night at 7:30 p.m. in EHS 102.

Joining Barber will be Chris Lahr, a recruiter and academic director for Mission Year. He will speak on issues related to racial awareness and reconciliation in the Perspectives on Christian Education class from 3:40 to 4:30 p.m. Monday afternoon in Lemmons 15.

In addition, George Fox will participate in a panel discussion, “Where will the leadership come from to end the Korean War and solve the Israeli Palestinian Conflict,” from 2 to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 29, at the Buckley Center on the University of Portland campus. Headlining the panel is F.W. de Klerk, the former president of South Africa who, in 1993, was named co-winner (with Nelson Mandela) of the Nobel Peace Prize. He’ll be joined on the panel by university presidents, including George Fox’s Robin Baker, and others. The event will include a Q&A time afterwards.

All university students and personnel are invited to attend the panel for free.

For more information on any of the events, visit the Woolman Forum site or call the Center for Peace at Justice at ext. 2686.

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