About Our People

Jan Lefebvre (Advancement) just returned from serving in Haiti for eight days with Lifeline Christian Mission. She was part of a team of 40 women who served and ministered to women, children and infants, sharing God’s love with them and encouraging them. She also delivered more than 200 handmade clothing items from a ministry she coordinates at her church. “The trip was truly a blessing to all of us who were able to be a part of this team,” Jan said.

Kevin T. Jones (Communication Arts) published “Paul’s Use of Aristotelian Enthymeme’s in New Testament Scripture: Turning ‘Head Knowledge’ into ‘Heart Knowledge,’” in the January 2012 edition of the Memphis Theological Seminary Journal. Paul’s Roman education was influenced by Greek rhetorical thought that included the study and use of enthymemes (a rhetorical device designed to force audience participation in the persuasion process resulting in increased compliance by the recipient). The essay identifies several enthymemes used by Paul throughout his New Testament writings which contributed to effective persuasion within the early church.

Mark David Hall (Herbert Hoover Distinguished Professor of Politics) published an editorial, “Protecting religious freedom: Let’s hear it for the separation of church and state,” as a guest columnist on the OregonLive.com site Jan. 14.

Ed Higgins (English) published a poem, “Spent Speech,” in the January 2012 issue of Four and Twenty, an online short-form poetry website.

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