Muslim perspectives on faith shared at seminary event Nov. 11

A Muslim perspective on the role of faith in identity formation will be the topic of a George Fox Evangelical Seminary seminar next Friday, Nov. 11, at the  Portland Center. The session runs from 9 a.m. to noon in Room 155.

Maria Ebrahimji, executive editorial producer for CNN and the director of CNN’s booking department, will share her perspective as a Muslim woman working for a major news agency in the United States. Joining her are three Muslim women who live in Oregon: Fatemeh Fakhraie, Muna Idow and Manar Alattar. Together, they will present three sessions: “Personal Faith Journeys” (9 a.m.), “Perceptions of People of Faith” (10 a.m.) and “Faith and Conversion” (11 a.m.).

The event, titled “Who Am I? Who Are You? A Muslim Perspective on the Role of Faith in Identity Formation,” is the latest installment of the seminary’s Ministry in Contemporary Culture Seminar series and seeks to find shared experiences between the Christian and Muslim faiths. The cost is $20 for alumni, students and staff. An optional lunch will be made available for $10 per person.

To learn more about the event or to register, visit

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