About Our People

Tim Timmerman’s (Visual Arts) book, A Bigger World Yet: Faith, Brotherhood, and Same-Sex Needs, has been released through Bird Dog Press. According to Tim, the book “is about an ache and a longing in our culture for friendship and brotherhood … about emotional orphans with wounds and hungers of the heart … about boys who needed connections to loving men and friends growing up, but instead received abuse and absence. This book is one man’s spiritual odyssey.” It is available on Amazon, at Chapters or through Tim.

Kathy Heininge (English) recently presented her paper, “Eavan Boland and Her Use of the Ablative Case,” to the national meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In it, she examines the influences of Latin grammar on the poetry of Eavan Boland, an Irish poet.

Jim Steele (Business) was a featured speaker at the College & University Professionals Association’s Human Resources Spring Conference at Portland State University on April 15. His topic was “Enlightened HR: Reframing our Role from a Strategic Point of View.”

Dave Johnstone (Student Life) published an article, “Progress to Reconciliation: A Journey with Lewis, Bono and Spider-man,” in Growth: The Journal of the Association for Christians in Student Development (Winter 2011). In the same issue, he published a review of M. Wright & J. Arthur’s (2010) Leadership in Christian Higher Education.

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) was a plenary speaker at the Friends World Committee for Consultation triennial meetings of the Asia South West Pacific Section, held in Manila, Philippines, earlier this month. The biblical theme was from James 2:14 (faith and works). He developed various aspects of the gospel and its implications for Christian living.

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