Numerade’s flashcard feature can help you ace those midterms

Feeling the mid-semester crunch? You are not alone! Now is the perfect time to focus your study techniques and strategies. Check out Numerade‘s new flashcard feature to stay organized and support your learning!

Though Numerade specializes in STEM subjects and provides pre-made flashcards for a variety of STEM topics, Numerade’s study tools are useful for all courses, especially the flashcard function and quiz functions! You can create custom flashcard decks from course materials, track your progress and test your knowledge with quizzes. Use your George Fox credentials to create a Numerade account and support your learning today.

Remember: Always follow professor guidelines about appropriate use of AI tools; if in doubt, ask your professor. Review the AI for Student Success page for resources on responsible AI use to support your learning.

Contact Rick Muthiah, director of Learning Support Services, with feedback or questions at

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