Hear from world-renowned scholar N.T. Wright on Feb. 7

We would like to invite you to a rare opportunity to hear from one of the most influential and respected theologians and biblical scholars of the modern era – Dr. N. T. Wright. We are pleased to partner with TogetherPDX to bring Dr. Wright to Portland for an in-person lecture at Rolling Hills Church in Tualatin on Friday, Feb. 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Dr. Wright is an English New Testament scholar, Pauline theologian and Anglican bishop. He has held a variety of both academic and chaplaincy posts at Oxford, Cambridge, and McGill University in Montreal. He is currently research professor emeritus of New Testament and early Christianity at St. Mary’s College in the University of St. Andrews and senior research fellow at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford.

George Fox University is able to offer half-priced tickets to students who want to attend. Register here and use the discount code “HALF” to redeem a half-price discount while tickets last.

Feel free to reach out to Gwyn Curtis at gcurtis@georgefox.edu with any questions.

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