Use precaution with freezing temperatures this week

Due to the forecasted freezing temperatures this week, we want to remind everyone to take extra precautions when out and about.

Parking Lots: Parking lots and walkways may become slippery as freezing temperatures cause surfaces to ice over. Please drive cautiously and reduce your speed in parking areas to prevent accidents.

Shaded Areas: Be especially cautious in shaded areas, as they will freeze first and stay icy longer. These spots can be particularly dangerous, so stay alert for any hidden patches of ice.

Stairs and Walkways: Stairs, handrails and walkways are more likely to accumulate ice. Please use handrails when available, take small, careful steps, and wear shoes with good traction to avoid slips and falls.

Your safety is our priority. Please stay vigilant and take your time when moving around in these conditions. Stay warm and safe!

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