DPT students seek 18- to 45-year-olds for research on balance recovery
Doctor of physical therapy students are seeking individuals 18 to 45 years of age to figure out the effects of lower body strength on the ability to recover from a loss of balance and how people step when they lose their balance.
If you meet the study criteria, you will be asked to attend one testing session where you will be made to lose your balance multiple times in a safety harness while performing a squat task and have your ankle, knee and hip strength tested while sitting. Your participation in this study will involve approximately 60 minutes of time.
If interested, please contact Gabe Haberly, PhD, CSCS (ghaberly@georgefox.edu, 503-554-2941) or Lyndsay Stutzenberger, PT, DPT, PhD, CEEAA (lstutzenberger@georgefox.edu, 503-554-2463).