Archive for February, 2025

Recommend outstanding students for the undergraduate admissions internship program

Thursday, February 20th, 2025

The undergraduate admissions office is offering a unique opportunity for ambitious individuals to join our team as part-time interns (10-15 hours weekly) during the 2025-26 academic year (August to April).

Key responsibilities include giving engaging campus tours, building relationships with potential students, assisting with campus visits and events, reviewing applications, performing data analysis, and taking on other exciting projects. This is an excellent chance to gain valuable hands-on experience, develop professional skills, and create a standout resume!

If you know any current undergraduate students you think would be a good fit for this position, please complete this form or send your recommendations to Katie McVae at

Compete in Fusion’s Squid Games 2 challenge

Thursday, February 20th, 2025

Fusion presents Squid Games 2! Get ready for a night of intense competition, thrilling games and high-stakes fun. Bring your friends, test your skills and see if you have what it takes to make it to the end. Join us in the FoxHole on Tuesday, Feb. 25, from 6 to 8 p.m.!

Reach out to Diana Bui at if you have questions.

Nourishing News: Eat healthy and stay energized

Thursday, February 20th, 2025

Being intentional about what you eat is a key ingredient to a long, healthy life – and once you get in the habit of preparing healthy snacks and meals, you’ll notice the difference.

To get started, take a look at the resources below. You’ll discover a wealth of tasty food options that you can feel good about.

  • Ready to add some spice to your life? These heart-healthy recipes will give you fresh ideas for appetizers, breakfast dishes, salads and main courses.
  • If you want to beat the afternoon slump, hold off on grabbing that second cup of coffee and discover five ways to stay energized throughout the day.

The Wellness Committee would also like to remind you that February is American Heart Month. We invite you to make an “I will” commitment to help you improve your health and wellness throughout the year.

Finalize your 2025-26 financial aid by May 1

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

Summer will be here before you know it! Your 2025-26 financial aid should be finalized before you leave campus, so that you can plan ahead for your remaining balance.

Complete these steps by May 1 to be prepared financially for fall 2025:

File your FAFSA*
*If you do not intend to file your FAFSA, contact your financial aid counselor to let us know!

Accept / Decline loans
Watch or read our instructions on how to accept, decline, or reduce your loans. If you accept or decline something now, and then change your mind, no worries! We can always add or adjust things later if your plans change.

Complete All To-do List Items
Visit your Tasks folder on MyGeorgeFox for all of the details about these items!

Extenuating circumstances
Has your family’s financial situation changed since 2023? If you’ve had a change of circumstance, or if you had a Professional Judgment this year for special circumstances that will continue next year, request a PJ.

Need help? Contact us! We’re available in the Stevens Center (second floor) Monday through Friday. You’re welcome to call, email, drop in or schedule an appointment.

Practice civil discourse at ‘Community Conversations: Trump So Far’ on Feb. 26

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

The George Fox Civility Project and Newberg/Dundee United as Neighbors invite the public to hear Newberg Mayor Bill Rosacker and George Fox’s own Rick Muthiah kick off the next Newberg/Dundee Community Conversation on Wednesday, Feb. 26, on the George Fox campus.

Bill and Rick will continue a conversation they began in January about their different views of the new Trump administration’s actions. Then attenders, sitting in small groups at tables, will have their own versions of this conversation.

Come to see if the people at your table can hear each other, learn to summarize each other’s views accurately and fairly, and build stronger personal connections across political differences.

The event will be in Canyon Commons from 7 to 8:45 p.m. For more information, contact Ron Mock at

Join BSU and BIPOC Poetry Club for Open Mic Night tonight

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

The Black Student Union (BSU) and BIPOC Poetry Club present an Open Mic Night! Please join us for poems, spoken word, karaoke and more tonight (Thursday) at the Intercultural Resource Center (IRC) at 7 p.m. Anyone is welcome to perform! Please use this link to RSVP.

Contact Meklit Wakjira at if you have any questions.

All are welcome at math department’s game night tonight

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

You are invited to the Math Community Game Night from 5 to 7 p.m. tonight (Thursday) in Wheeler’s Esports Arena!

This semester’s game night will feature a Mario Kart tournament. Snacks and other board games will be available. Please RSVP here. This event is sponsored by the math department but open to all!

Check out the new honors program exhibit in Hoover 104

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

The George Fox University Museum is pleased to announce a new exhibit on the George Fox Honors Program in celebration of its 10th anniversary.

The exhibit, “Whatever is True, Noble, and Beautiful: George Fox Honors Program,” is located in the display cases in Hoover 104. It explores the earlier iterations of the program along with the current program.

If you have any questions about the exhibit, please contact Caitlin Corning at

This is your last chance to sign up for tomorrow’s live cooking class

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

Time is almost up! Join us tomorrow (Friday) from noon to 1 p.m. in Canyon Commons for a Lunch & Learn event you won’t want to miss.

The session will feature a streamed wellness presentation and Q&A led by a Bon Appetit dietitian, along with a live cooking demonstration by chef Ryan Garalde. Lunch will be provided for attendees. Only a few spots remain, so sign up before it’s too late!

Help fund DPT service trip to Uganda by ordering Panda Express on Feb. 26

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

We’re excited to announce that in May of 2025 students and faculty from our doctor of physical therapy program will be heading to Uganda for a medical service trip! Our well-established partnerships with local leaders in Uganda seek to meet the physical and educational needs that exist in these communities.

We will work alongside doctors, teachers and community leaders who have been our friends and partners for over 10 years, and we need your help! The trip is being funded through donations and fundraisers happening now through April.

Visit any Panda Express across the country on Wednesday, Feb. 26, making sure to order online with this code. Thank you for your support!

Support student missions trip to Cuba

Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

For the first time, George Fox is sending 10 students to Cuba on a missions trip! Fundraising is essential for this opportunity, so please consider giving online at this link. Our donation deadline is Saturday, March 8. The link also includes more information about the trip.

If you have questions, reach out to Kelly Chang at

Know students who excel in writing? Encourage them to apply at the ARC

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Applications are now being accepted for 2025-26 ARC consultants. If you know students who write well, are thoughtful learners, and desire to support peers in their academic success, please encourage them to apply.

Students from all disciplines are welcome to apply; representation from multiple disciplines strengthens the ARC’s ability to support a wide range of students. Completed materials are due by Thursday, March 6.

You are welcome to send names of promising candidates to Heather Harney at She will then reach out to invite them to apply. Students can apply on Handshake.

Apply to be an ARC consultant next school year

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Do you like showing others ways to be a more effective and efficient student? Do your friends always come to you to look over their papers before they turn them in? Do you have a GPA above 3.0?

If you answered yes to these questions, you might have a future as an ARC consultant in the Academic Resource Center. We are interested in students from any major, not just English!

Applications for the 2025-26 academic year are due by Thursday, March 6. Application instructions and additional information are available on Handshake.

Contact Heather Harney at if you have questions.

Join the ‘Black Panther’ watch party in the IRC today

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

In celebration of Black History Month, the IRC team would like to invite you to a “Watch Party Wednesday” showing of Black Panther from 3 to 5 p.m. today (Wednesday) at the Intercultural Resource Center. Please join us for the movie and snacks as your schedule allows!

Singer-songwriters JR and Drew take Bauman stage tonight

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

he performing arts department is proud to present Jenny Rebecca Winans and Drew Ronning, live in concert tonight (Wednesday) at 7:30 p.m. JR and Drew are singer-songwriters from Washington and California, currently residing in Berlin, who sing music inspired by love, faith, and the journeys that we all walk through.

It will be a delightful pop-music set performed on the stage of Bauman – yes, you get to sit on the stage with the artist! The concert is free for the George Fox family, with a $10 suggested donation for the general public.

If you have any questions, reach out to Dwayne Corbin at

Book a one-on-one meeting with retirement specialist today on campus

Monday, February 17th, 2025

There are still a couple spots left to meet one-on-one with our dedicated retirement specialist, Phillip! He will be on campus today (Tuesday) from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., ready to answer your questions and help you plan for the future.

Both in-person and virtual appointments are available to provide you with personalized guidance on your retirement goals. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Secure your spot now! You can sign up here. You can also contact Phillip directly at 360-953-4841 or

Worship, fellowship and return to your first love this Friday at ‘The Burn’

Monday, February 17th, 2025

Held in Canyon Commons this Friday, Feb. 21, from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., “The Burn” is a 12-hour student-led gathering of all forms of worship: prayer, praise, fellowship, discipleship, communion, flagging, art, solitude, and all ways the Holy Spirit leads us.

At “The Burn,” we return to our first love, entering the presence of God and encountering his love together. Come join us!

Contact Gaddiel Vergara at with any questions.

Senior kinesiology research study is seeking participants

Monday, February 17th, 2025

Are you over 60 and interested in participating in a kinesiology research study? We are researching how different kinds of reminder systems influence compliance with exercise. The study is a four-week walking program that includes two testing sessions. Phone and email are required.

Please reach out to or for more information or to schedule a time to test!

Financial literacy workshop open to students on Feb. 26

Monday, February 17th, 2025

Join Embold Credit Union at noon on Wednesday, Feb. 26, in Hoover 209 for a workshop on financial literacy. Get great budgeting tips to set yourself up for success!

Reach out to Gracie Flynn at if you have questions.

Join BSU and BIPOC Poetry Club for Open Mic Night Thursday

Monday, February 17th, 2025

The Black Student Union (BSU) and BIPOC Poetry Club present an Open Mic Night! Please join us for poems, spoken word, karaoke and more this Thursday, Feb. 20, at the Intercultural Resource Center (IRC) at 7 p.m.

Contact Meklit Wakjira at if you have any questions.