Learn to moderate polarizing conversations with empathy

Would you like to improve your ability in these areas?

  • Helping people who disagree on important things feel safe and hopeful
  • Listening with empathy and building trust and cooperation
  • Being a better bridge-builder in our community
  • Possibly equipping yourself to be a table moderator at Community Conversations

If you resonate with any or all of these goals, you should join us for a Conversation Moderator Basic Training workshop tomorrow (Wednesday) from 7 to 8:45 p.m. in Canyon Commons.

Sponsored by the George Fox Civility Project and the Newberg/Dundee United as Neighbors group, this workshop will be led by George Fox Civility Project Director Ron Mock and Student Care and Student Life Operations Specialist Jere Witherspoon. It is open to the public, including anyone on campus.

Please let Ron or Jere know if you are interested in coming, or if you have questions, at rmock@georgefox.edu or jwithers@georgefox.edu. You are welcome to come even if you haven’t contacted us in advance.

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