Severe Winter Weather Class Policy

If severe winter weather makes travel to or from campus unsafe, the provost will make the decision to announce a shift to remote classes. In nearly all cases, classes will continue to be offered online. 

In the case of a delayed in-person start, university offices will not open until an announced time in the day, most often 10 a.m. or noon. Students are not required to report to campus prior to the announced start time but are expected to attend class online before the start time. If in-person classes will not be held, students are expected to attend class online. You should expect to receive information from your professors on how to access remote learning. 

The following is our process for announcing when there is a delayed in-person start or a shift to remote classes. The provost will make the decision by 6:30 a.m. for the Newberg campus and Portland Center for daytime classes or 2:15 p.m. for evening classes. Decisions on weekend classes and at the Redmond site will be made by the professor. 

Stay notified. Here’s how to find out if a decision has been made when severe weather occurs:

  • Visit the George Fox page. This is the first site updated. Enter your email address to create an account and receive notifications from FlashAlert Messenger.
  • If you wish to receive a notification on your mobile device, download the FlashAlert smartphone app for iOS or Android. Either log in or create an account if you haven’t already. 
  • Listen to local radio and television stations or visit their websites (this info comes via Flashalert).
  • Call the George Fox University switchboard at (503) 538-8383.

More information on this change in procedure can be found on our winter weather policy page.

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