Complete your FAFSA to receive your 2024-25 financial aid

If you are among our students who are still receiving communications from us about completing your 2024-25 FAFSA, please look through the information below to help you navigate the process.

We strongly encourage you to finish your FAFSA by June 15, or we cannot guarantee your federal financial aid.

Some of the most common issues that we have seen prevent students from submitting a valid FAFSA include:

  • You were supposed to include a parent or spouse contributor, but did not.
  • You or your contributor(s) did not grant consent for the FAFSA to retrieve federal tax information from the IRS.
  • You or your contributor(s) did not provide a signature on the form.
  • You reported an amount of money in the Grants & Scholarships Reported as Income in 2022 field.
  • You said you filed your 2022 taxes, but no tax return was imported from the IRS.
  • One or both of your contributors does not have a Social Security Number, or the SSN is invalid.
  • Your FAFSA was processed incorrectly by the Department of Education and is scheduled for reprocessing in the coming weeks.

Please check your MyGeorgeFox To-Do List and emails to see instructions from our financial aid office identifying your specific errors and how to resolve them.

If you do not plan to use federal- or state-based financial aid next year and aren’t going to file a FAFSA, please let us know at

If you are unsure whether your FAFSA is complete, or if you have any questions regarding your instructions, please contact your financial aid counselor or visit us during our drop-in hours on the second floor of the Stevens Center.

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