Woolman Forum guest Jonathan Kuttab is available to speak in classes
The university will welcome Dr. Jonathan Kuttab as a guest panelist and lecturer as part of its Woolman Peacemaking Forum on Tuesday, Feb. 13. He will be on campus Feb. 12-14. Would you like him to speak in your class? If so, email Tamara Wytsma at twytsma@georgefox.edu for more info.
Kuttab is a Christian Palestinian human rights attorney and executive director of Friends of Sabeel North America. He is cofounder of the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq as well as Nonviolence International, and serves on the board of Bethlehem Bible College and as president of the board of Holy Land Trust.
In addition, he was the head of the legal committee negotiating the Cairo Agreement of 1994 between Israel and the PLO. He is author of Beyond the Two-State Solution, suggesting that any solution be predicated on the basic existential needs of the two parties.