Consider supporting DPT service trip to Uganda

This year, the George Fox University Doctor of Physical Therapy program will have the opportunity to travel to Uganda and serve their communities in need. While we’re there, we will partner with local leaders and advocacy groups to provide training and collaborate in the treatment and management of people with disabilities.

Our time will be spent at two boarding schools for children with disabilities, as well as with local physicians and nurses helping run free primary care clinics. The GFU DPT program cannot wait to see how God works through this trip for our students and those whom they will be serving.

With your support, GFU DPT will be able to not only serve the people in the rural areas of Uganda, but also utilize the physical therapy and differential diagnosis skills that they have learned in the program. Would you prayerfully consider supporting the GFU DPT with a gift today?

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If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Garrett Cassio (!

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