Learn about upcoming SpiL trip opportunities at tomorrow’s information night

Join us for our SpiL trips information night tomorrow (Wednesday) from 7 to 8 p.m. in Canyon Commons. You’ll have the opportunity to hear stories about past trip experiences and learn how you can join a trip this upcoming spring or summer.

You will also have the chance to hear about and participate in a local outreach opportunity initiated by senior nursing student Peter Tran.

Snacks and elective chapel credit will be offered at this event. If you have any questions, reach out to spirituallife@georgefox.edu.

Reminder: Applications are open for 2024 SpiL trip opportunities! Learn about the different opportunities at this link.

  • Jubilee Conference, vocational discernment: Mid-semester break, Feb. 16-18, 2024
  • Northern California, World Renew Disaster Relief: Spring break, March 23-30, 2024
  • Philadelphia Dream Center, Urban immersion & service: Spring break, March 23-30, 2024
  • Romania & Moldova WordMadeFlesh, international immersion & service: April 29 – May 20, 2024

Apply now at this link. The application and deposit are both due Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023.

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