Check out frequently asked Serve Day questions

Take a look at these frequently asked questions while gearing up for Serve Day 2023.

Do I have to participate in Serve Day?
Yes. It is an expectation that you participate in Serve Day.

What if I don’t like my assigned location, can I switch?
No, your assigned location is where you are expected to serve, and transportation and other logistics will be affected negatively if you switch without permission. (Please also don’t switch your original placement on the Helper Helper app). Your team leaders are expecting you, and the group and the site need you. After Serve Day is over, you are free to serve anywhere you choose!

I am not with my whole residential area or friend group. Can I just sneak in with the others?
No. Many of the assigned sites are providing transportation or we are providing transportation. There is no wiggle room in our numbers, and this will create difficulty in transporting everyone. Think of your assignments like one piece to a 2,000-piece puzzle; when there are pieces in the wrong part of the puzzle, there is a ripple-effect, causing lots of other problems.

I have a car. Can I just drive myself?
For insurance reasons on behalf of the university you may not drive to your Serve Day site. You must be pre-approved to drive a personal vehicle through the approved drivers process with Plant Services before Sept. 8.

I do not have a meal plan. Can I still pack a lunch?
YES! Lunch (and only lunch) is free for all students and employees regardless of whether or not you have a meal plan.

What if I do not feel comfortable doing a requested task on Serve Day?
Please talk to your team leader. We do not want anyone to doing anything that is outside their capabilities, but we are still asking that you show up with your assigned team and participate as you can, offering a teamwork spirit even if you cannot. “Teamwork makes the dream work!”

If you have a question, first reread these instructions and the Helper Helper App. If you still have a question, please ask your RA or a professional staff / team leader near you. If you still have a question, you can email and we will do our best to get back to you quickly.

We are looking forward to making a difference together!

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