Take advantage of ‘Drinks with Faculty’ program this semester

We are introducing a new program in Commuter Life, in partnership with Bon Appetit, called “Drinks with Faculty.” That title sounds more scandalous than it is.

Our data assessment from fall 2022 showed that out-of-class interactions with faculty were hugely significant for helping undergraduate students thrive. To help facilitate student/faculty interaction, we have created a program where $10 of that interaction is covered by Commuter Life and Bon Appetit. This will cover the cost or most of the cost of drinks for the student and their faculty guest.

Incoming commuters have received this information and have been encouraged to initiate with a current or past professor. If this pilot program is used well, we will start to broaden it in the spring.

If a student initiates a time with you, please take this opportunity to tell your story, reflect on how your faith informs your discipline, and share life together with students.

Questions? Contact Dave Johnstone at djohnsto@georgefox.edu.

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