Join free Zoom webinar discussing untethered lecture capture
The Orbis Cascade Alliance and Northwest Academic Computing Consortium are collaborating to provide webinars focusing on digital accessibility in higher education.
We invite you to join us for a session, “Untethered Teaching and Lecture Capture: Promoting Inclusion and Universal Design for Learning,” via Zoom on Wednesday, June 14, at 11 a.m. You can register now at this link. The webinar will be recorded.
Registration is free and open to anyone from Alliance and NWACC institutions. You are welcome to forward this email to anyone at other institutions who may be interested in accessibility.
Description: Untethered lecture capture (ULC) is defined as the integration of multimedia resources which permit faculty to be freely mobile within the classroom while simultaneously teaching and producing audiovisual digital recordings of lecture.
The integration of cognitive load theory with multimedia instructional design principles promotes accessibility, universal design and facilitates student learning.
Presenting will be Lorretta Krautscheid, an associate professor of nursing at George Fox, and Samuel Williams, chief Information officer at Linfield University.
Please visit the NWHeat website for additional information.