Please complete the employee form for Serve Day 2023

The Serve Day Committee is thrilled to begin planning for Serve Day XXIII: Sept. 13, 2023!

We like to prioritize placing you with community partners you’re already connected to, or in roles that will help you serve with passion. Please help us by completing this form.

In it, you can note any limitations, previous sites served or questions you have, and we’ll take them into consideration when we place you on a team over the summer.

If you’re planning to be on sabbatical, family leave, or know of a significant change that will keep you away from campus during the week of Serve Day, you can let us know using the form. It is essential for our planning.

Please note: The survey above is required for all Newberg employees (0.5 FTE and above). Contact with all of your important questions and feedback.

Only four months until Sept. 13, our next highly anticipated Serve Day together!

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