One of the off-campus program options for George Fox students is the Oregon Extension, deep in the Cascades of Southern Oregon.
It’s a 17-credit fall semester where students live in cabins heated with wood stoves and experience a different way to learn, one course at a time. Everything is designed to work on habits of deep learning and learning without the frenzy.
At the OE, the internet is not a way of life. Instead, there is a big vegetable garden. Chickens, turkeys, milking goats, and cheese-making are part of community life. After intensive periods of study, students get off campus to backpack in rugged mountains, relax at the Oregon Coast, and explore San Francisco.
A professor from the OE will be on campus Tuesday and Wednesday, April-19, at a table in Canyon Commons on Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and hosting an info session in Stevens 109 on Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Find out more at
Credit can be earned in environmental studies, art history, literature, political science, religious studies, history, psychology, biology, sociology, and philosophy.