Take a trip to the Oregon Coast for a beach clean-up event March 4

Come enjoy the Oregon Coast with the Stewards of Sustainability Club! Our spring beach clean-up event is happening on Saturday, March 4.

We will be volunteering with SOLVE to pick up trash at Seaside from 9 to 11 a.m., leaving campus at 7 a.m. and returning around 2 p.m. You can carpool with us or meet us there. Either way, please sign up by this Friday, Feb. 24. Employees and students alike are welcome to join!

For more information regarding transportation, please see the sign-up sheet or email Lilly McAfee at lmcafee19@georgefox.edu with any questions.

Please join us on this fun event as we help make our beach and ocean cleaner, healthier and more beautiful.

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